Monday, February 16, 2009

Day I

Well it was a good day of money. I went from 62g to a total of 113g 72s 52c. I'm now going to be labeling my posts with roman numerals instead of numbers since I kinda screwed that all up with my earlier postings. When I get to Day X I'm just going to ignore it and pretend like today's earlier post never happened.

I forgot to mention that I talked to the traveling vendor in Hillsbrad Foothills. He wanders up and down the road between Southshore and Tarren Mill. The little goblin with his ogre companion sold me a few different items. One of the Was the engineering recipe for Goblin Jumper Cables. These sold for a great 14g on the AH and I bought them for less than a gold from the little goblin. Money in my pocket! If you're ever in Hillsbrad check this guy's wares you're bound to get something you can sell on the AH.

Also all the bears, cougars, and spiders int he area drop tons of meat that I sold for profits and the Spiders dropped Spiders Silk too. That silk sells for 1g 50s a pop on Onyxia.

Was a good day overall.

1 comment:

  1. This a great idea. I look forward to watching this blog as your progress.

    For me the AH and WoW economy as a whole, have given me a whole new side of the game I hadn't experienced. It's almost like playing a mini-game within a game for me.

    I look forward to watching as your fortune grows!

